Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas and More

So I lied...I haven't been great at updating, but I have been extremely, extremely busy. Of course I'll start my post about Madeline. We are definitely going through a "stage." A stage of screaming rampages. I even took her BACK to the doctor last weekend to make sure she didn't have an ear infection...she's perfectly healthy....AGAIN. I'm sure our pediatrician thinks I'm totally OTT. But, I'd rather be safe than sorry. The screaming rampages are getting better now. They're only happening when we are trying to put her down for a nap. For about 10 days, it was ALL day long. So, perhaps this little stage is about to end?!?! And naps are lasting only 15 minutes long. We are getting much of a break!

Other than that, she's been just adorable. She's mastered tummy time, found a new octave in coos, laughing daily, grabbing more, etc. She has rolled over a few times in the past week, but I'm not going to really count them until she's doing it consistently. All the smiles and laughs just melt my heart. I've got her on a new nighttime schedule. We're attempting to go to bed at 8:30pm...which means I'm also having to go to bed early. I'm hoping she'll start going 12 hours at night instead of the 10 I've been getting. Although, I'm not sure that's going to take. But, I'll try it out!

She is still in newborn clothing, but she's outgrowing the legs! So, I'm going to have to transition her to 0-3 months even though they are huge elsewhere. Poor girl!

I think I also might attempt rice cereal this weekend. She's been wanting to eat more, and I don't think it's a growth spurt, but rather her tummy just not being satisfied by the thin Alimentum formula. I ordered a pro biotic blend, so I'm hoping she doesn't have any issues with it. I'll start giving her a bowl (not bottle, no longer recommended), at dinner. Which means, we get to set her high chair up!

We had a great Christmas with both of our families and Madeline did very well. I didn't realize how much work it really is to do Christmas Day dinner, but wow, I'm still exhausted. And, my family cooked the majority of the food. We had enough to feed around 40, instead of the 10 of us here. Madeline received tons of cute stuff!

I'm not going to do a year end review this year since, well, we didn't do much. I was pregnant, had Madeline, and that's about it. Of course, it was the most significant year or our lives. We are so blessed to have such a precious little angel.

Not much is in store for 2013. We are both in a friend's Florida wedding in October, and we are hoping to make it into a vacation. Madeline will not be in attendance, but staying with my parents. It's too much to travel with a baby...with everything you have to bring, rent, etc. Plus, additional expenses. For us, at least. Tommy and I have both agreed that we won't be taking Madeline on any trips within the next year. We have family that we'd love to see, but for the majority of them, it's easier for them to fly up here then us going down. I think some people underestimate how difficult it is to drive/fly with a non-easy going baby, too. So, it's just not even an option at this point. Gosh, it's an obstacle for me just to take her to the pediatrician or up the street to Target! I'm sure the small outings will get better in the next couple of months, though. I can't imagine a trip. So that's that, and hopefully everyone (as I'm sure they will) will be understanding and respectful.

Okay, enough blabber. Here's the photos:

Pooped with Poppy

I love my Sophie the Giraffe who we have renamed "Jo-Jo"

I no longer need a pillow!

Gammy and Poppy

Thursday, December 13, 2012

And So It Begins..

Wow. Not quite sure where to start today...I know, I's been awhile. I've been constantly busy and there is a lot going on!

I'll start with Madeline. We are going through a lot right now...teething, reflux issues, 4 month sleep regression, and a growth spurt. Plus, general crankiness. The past couple of weeks have been fun and exhausting at the same time. She's learning something new all the time! She is now sucking her thumb, grabbing objects, found her feet, laughing, and babbling and cooing like crazy! We are still having issues with tummy time and her being a little lazy. I think she just hasn't really figured out how to use her arms.

We had her 4 month check up earlier this week (She's 4 months tomorrow). Her stats are as follows:

Weight: 11 lbs, 5 oz (10th percentile, previously was 8-10th)
Length: 23.5 (Jumped to 40th percentile from 10th and grew 2.5 inches)
Head: 10.3 (Jumped to 20th percentile from 10th)

So, she's one growing baby! We couldn't believe she's grown 2.5 inches in 2 months. Even the nurse was shocked, and measured twice. The check up went well, but because we are still having stomach issues, reflux issues, and she's lazy with tummy time we are having a follow up appointment at 5 months. She got her shots, and has been okay for the most part. She's having an upset stomach, and crankiness, but I expected that. The pediatrician told us not to start rice cereal until 5 months (but wait until the 5 month appointment for approval), then solids at 6 months since she still has stomach issues.

I actually took her in last week because she's fighting the bottle. She is screaming bloody murder after eating 2-3 oz. So, the pediatrician switched her from Zantac (she was on the highest dose) to Prevacid (which is stronger and $150 more each month). Today is the first day she hasn't been a mess during feeding I don't know if it's reflux or teething. The doctor said it could be either. She does have other teething symptoms, too. No teeth peaking out just yet!

It's been so much fun seeing her conquer new tasks. She has given up on rolling over for now. She's actually been having fun sitting in her Bumbo, and she loves lying down and pulling herself up into a sitting position. And, standing. She loves to stand. Too bad the bouncer/jumperoo is still enormous for her.

Her Nap Nanny has been recalled due to parental error (and stupidity), so I'm about to transition her to her pack n' play in our bedroom. I was going to do it this week, but since we're dealing with a sleep regression, I figured I would wait it out until it passes.

In other news, we are getting amped up for Christmas! We will spend Christmas Eve with Ray-Ray and So-So, then mid Christmas morning with Tommy's mother's side of the family, then the afternoon Christmas Day with my family. I can't wait! My other grandmother, MawMaw, will also be in town and meeting Madeline for the first time.

Okay, it's picture time. I really haven't taken many photos over the past 2 weeks...I'll be sure to take some this weekend.

Our first family portrait!

My first wrapped Christmas present!


I'm going to try to start updating more often again! More photos to come soon!