Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Back to Normal

Since the beginning of last week, I've felt like my normal self again. Tons of energy, no morning sickness, and overall just wonderful. I must finally have the second trimester feel. I'll still get tired if I over do it, or if I'm not sleeping. And, I'm sure the amazing 70-80 degree weather is also helping with this. It's going to get up to 86 degrees today - which is 25 degrees above normal. No complaints here.

Yesterday, I received my fabric swatches. They are even cuter in person! I was a little worried about the color of pink not being exactly what I wanted, but it's perfect. And, different than what was on my computer screen...hence why I thought it would be smart to order swatches to verify in person. I went ahead and ordered our bedding today. And, I was able to save a photo - pictured below. Now, I know it looks like a lot of pink and white, but the crib sheet, another throw blanket, walls, glider, pillows, and accessories will all be gray to contrast with all the pink. Also, ignore everything in the beige color - you can make custom items for these, but I prefer not to in order to prevent everything from looking too matchy-matchy. And, no more patterns/prints for the room, either. In addition, my mother found a perfect white chandelier which I'll eventually order (also pictured below). I love decorating rooms - I get this from my mother. She should have gone into interior design.

I didn't hear back from the agent on Sunday, but we did have another showing this morning...however, I don't think it was promising because they only stayed for about 10 minutes. Oh well, there will be others.

On Friday, I also attempted to go maternity shopping again. I hit up Motherhood. Well, they only carry size small in stores. Everything was massive on me. Okay, I realize they need to be large for growth, however, I do not have much hips or bum. My hips would literally need to grow about 8 inches for anything to look decent on me. Dresses looked like a sheet on me, and shorts bunched in a way that was not so flattering in the front (if you know what I mean) due to excessive fabrics. Same with tops. I headed home and decided to look online for XS - sure enough, I found some. And, A Pea in the Pod and Motherhood, sister companies, were having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Bogo Sale on top of redline prices with free shipping. I ended up scoring 10 shirts with my $100 gift card. Unfortunately, all of their dresses are only available in smalls, and most of their shorts. But, I think once I start growing, I can get away with the rubberband trick with Bella Bands for bottoms. (Big thanks for Michelle for gifting me one)!

So now, I'm awaiting on many packages. My maternity order is shipping in 4 separate orders, I ordered a few baby items from Etsy, and my custom bedding should arrive in 4-6 weeks. But, no more shopping for me....time to save for baby.

Last, here's an actual photo of my baby bump at 17 Weeks.