Monday, September 30, 2013

All The Things

The past few days have been pretty uneventful. We've done the usual. Madeline is doing well..some days have been great where others have been a bit rough. She's testing and teething. I know this is all very normal for toddlerhood and we are trying to handle it appropriately. There's no discipline at this age since she doesn't understand the "rules" just yet and that's part of testing. She's just trying to figure out the limits. It's kinda funny and cute, though. We say no, and try to distract. As far as future discipline goes, there will be absolutely no spanking or swatting. We'll try time outs, toys taken away...the usual. But, consistency is key. However, I will never spank. Ever. And, I know when you're a parent you should never say never, but this is something I am extremely firm on. So, it will not happen.

Anyway, we've begun talking about preschool since the waitlists are a year plus here. Early next year I'll start interviewing a few places and see what seems like a best fit for Madeline. She'll start between 2.5 or 3 years old, probably 2 half days per week, then onto PreK at 4.

We went to Gammy and Poppy's on Sunday, and they came over for a visit on Saturday. Madeline loves playing outside on their patio...and also picking Gammy's lovely flowers. We've spent a few days outside and running our typical errands. Tomorrow we have class again, so I'll know it will be a fun day for her.

These molars are driving both me and Madeline nuts. This morning she was so cranky, kept putting her fingers in her mouth, and nothing made her happy until the onset of Advil. Then she was absolutely fine. I try to wait an hour or so to make sure she's just not cranky. Because let's face it, not everyone wakes up on the right side of the bed everyday, and she's a moody toddler. But, low and behold, 30 minutes after Advil...I had my sweet little baby back ready to play.

She's a lot of fun these days. She absolutely loves to play dress up with her clothes. It's so funny. She'll pick something out to put on, then I'll get her dressed and if I try to finally take it off....she's gets mad. Going to the mailbox just might be the highlight of the day. Now she's starting to have preferences of playing upstairs vs. it's usually up and down all day long. Great exercise, really. She absolutely loves to play outdoors if the weather is appropriate.

She loathes the stroller right now if I'm out shopping. I don't blame her. She sees all the things and wants to play with them. She's still okay in the shopping cart as long as she has something to fiddle with. Today it was deli meat. And, she's really good at restaurants as long as it's quick and less than an hour.

Here's a few recent photos over the past few days

Chillin' at Nordstrom

Big Girl Chair

Look, Mom!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Okay, I'm totally exaggerating here. But I am miserable. Why? I've decided to cut out the 3 pieces of cake, pie, brownies, and/or cookies per day. Why? Because I'm becoming a sugar addict. Seriously, it's out of control. And when I say a "piece," I'm talking about a gigantic piece of pie or a Costco sized cupcake. For real. And not just 1x per day....a few. Yeah, I flew off the handle. I could careless about weightloss. I feel sluggish and gross. Plus, I only crave sugar. I'm on day 2.5. I say 2.5 because I stuffed my face Sunday afternoon with a rather slice of Chess Pie. Anyway, I'm crabby. I'll let myself indulge in a small dessert Friday night. Then, I can have a normal sized treat 2x per week like a sane person. Okay, end rant.

Madeline and I have been pretty busy the past two days. Here's an example of what each day is like for us. Granted, it changes...and Tuesdays are a bit different because of the time her class falls.

6:30am   I wake up, get myself mildly dressed, clean up a bit, get Madeline's breakfast ready to go

7am        Get Madeline out of crib, change clothes/diaper... play for a few minutes

7:10am   Breakfast Time, unload the dishwasher while Madeline eats and scarf down breakfast quickly
hiding so she doesn't want to eat mine.

7:30-9:15am   Playtime. aka...either chase Madeline around the house or carry her around

9:15-9:30am Snack Time

9:30-11am  Nap #1 of the day. I get myself dressed for real, do laundry, clean floors, prep Madeline's lunch etc. I'll usually get around 20 minutes of actual downtime.

10:45am     Get Madeline up (I have to wake her on Mommy and Me days to get her to class on time)

10:45-11:05 Lunch for both of us

11:15-Noon  Mommy and Me

Noon-12:45pm Head over to TJMaxx (next door)

1pm: Playtime at Home

1:30pm: Snack Time

1:45pm-3:30pm: Naptime (It's typically 2:15-3:30pm, but she was a cranky pants today :) Prep Dinner and relax a bit

3:30pm Snack Time and Play Time

4:15pm: I take a bath while she throws her blocks in the tub with me and laughs hysterically.

We play until Tommy gets off work or is on his way home. He works from home on Tuesdays.

5pm I cook dinner while Tommy plays with Madeline

5:30-6pm Dinner Time

6pm I clean the house, kitchen, feed Sophie, laundry, get Madeline ready for bed, and anything I forgot to do. Tommy plays with Madeline upstairs

6:20pm Family Playtime

6:35-7pm Bedtime routine including brushing teeth, bath, pjs, get the picture


8:30pm I go to bed, however, I don't fall asleep until around midnight

We have a busy week of errands this week. I always try to do those in between naps since traffic can get backed up during rush hour. And, I try my best to give Madeline playtime in between. too.

Her molars are just about to pop through. I feel bad for looks very painful. I'm giving Advil when needed and Hyland's Teething Tabs. So, during the day, she's been pretty cranky this week.

She's also starting saying "mail." She loves to check the mail and play with my catalogs and junk mail. And she's into holes. Like ear canals, nostrils, anything. And licking. She's been a big licker this week. She's always a big kisser...which is so sweet.

Okay, I'm getting drowsy and I'm tired. I'm not done entirely with this post, but I'll just have to update another time. I'm pooped.  Oh, and I'm too lazy to edit the photos above. You get the idea :)

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Well, it only took me 9 months to update again, but here I am! Since I know I have so many things to update and say, I think I'm going to keep this as short as possible and keep to the basics.

First, and most importantly, Madeline is now 13 months old and doing very well. She was a whopping 18lbs at her 12 month check up and 32 inches tall. She's still very small on the weight side, but 90th percentile for height...which we have no idea where that has come from. She started sitting unsupported at 6 months, crawling around 7.5 months, cruising by 8 months, and this girl was eager to already start walking at 9.5 months. Needless to say, she's been early with all of her milestones. She is on the go all the time. Now she's starting to run and also learning how to kick. Surprisingly, she outgrew her milk intolerance and the transition to whole milk was easy peasy. She also doesn't have any food allergies that we are aware of. She's tried everything from nuts to shrimp! She eats what we eat, and we stopped giving her baby food around 11 months.

I cannot put into words how blessed we are to have such an amazing baby girl. The past year definitely had its' ups and downs, but all for the best. We are so lucky. I am so proud to be her Mommy.

She's starting to talk more and more. "Mama" and "ball" are her first real words. She started saying "Dada," but got bored with that and moved on. Tommy practices "Dada" with her endlessly, but she refuses. I think it's pretty funny, however, he is ready for her to start asking for him. All day long she's pointing at objects and saying "mom" and wants me to tell her what they are. She has also mastered the wave, high five, "uh oh," and "I don't know." She also shakes her head no for both yes and no...which is adorable. Oh, and I taught her "shew-wee" or aka the stinky gesture the other day, so she's been having fun with that one.

Sleep is mostly okay the majority of the time. We ended up sleep training at 8 months, and as hard as it was to do, it was well worth it. We're dealing with molars cutting in right now, so this week naps and night sleep have been somewhat a challenge some days. She has 8 teeth so far. She's still on 2 naps per day, and I don't think she'll be ready to transition to 1 nap per day for at least another month or so.

The Mommy Cling also starting about 2 months ago. Some days I spend carrying her around the majority of the day. She loves Tommy, but right now she's all about me. She'll even cry hysterically when Tommy takes her, but once she doesn't see me and starts playing with Tommy she's fine. Tommy is eagerly awaiting the Daddy Cling stage. It really does make him sad that it's all about me, but he'll have his time. Besides, when M's a teenager, she probably won't talk to me for 5 years. Ha.

We are on the go all day long. She keeps me fit and active. We go shopping, to Mommy and Me class, and to the park every week, and try to see friends and family when possible. We try to get out of the house everyday...even if it's just a trip to Target. She LOVES her Mommy and Me class. We started it around 10 months, and she's been long it ever since. It's pricey, but it's good for her, so we'll continue it as long as we can. We also try to do playdates, but those are complicated to do these days working around nap schedules. Oh, and music. My goodness this child is obsessed with music. We play music and dance all day long. And when I say "we" I mean the both of us. She loves to dance. I wonder where she got that from?

I absolutely love being a stay at home Mom. Though, it has it's challenges. Sometimes, I think my 60 hour per work weeks were a piece of cake compared to being a SAHM, but I'm certainly not complaining. I know I'm lucky to be able to stay home, and it's what we want as a family. I laugh at myself when I thought I'd be able to have time to "work from home part time." Sure, I could, but I wouldn't be going to bed until after Midnight. I guess I'd assume I'd have a ton of downtime, when that's certainly not the case at all, quite the opposite. But, it's fun. I love it. Again, not complaining.

I posted last year that we'd be going to Florida for our good friend's wedding (we were both asked to be in the wedding), however, we aren't going to be able to make it, and that's okay. They totally understand. However, we are throwing them a coed bridal shower next month, so that will be fun.

Speaking of travelling. We are going to attempt our first "family vacation" next Summer. We'd love to take Madeline to the beach. We had gracious offers this year, but there was too much going on. So, sometime next year we are going to try to go to Destin. We are also going to try to make a trip down to Texas to visit family, however, that trip is a little more difficult to plan. But, nonetheless, we will try our best, but no promises just yet.

I don't want to make this post too pic heavy, so I've randomly picked a few photos. Photos are challenging to get these days due to a running toddler. I have told myself I have to go try to take more photos. The birthday photos were taken by Bran and Michelle.

Birthday Girl

Very Excited Birthday Girl

13 Months

Nana, Madeline, and Myself

Outdoor Fun

Me and Tommy

Thankfully, the weather is starting to cool off a bit. We were able to go to the zoo with Ray-Ray, go to the park, and play outdoors at Gammy's and Poppy's recently. When it's nice we try to play in the backyard as much as possible, too. Next year, we are planning on getting Madeline an outdoor playhouse and cedar swing set.

I am soooooo excited for Fall and the holiday season to begin. Christmas this year is going to be so much fun. I cannot wait.

Okay, so I guess I'm done rambling for now. I am going to try my best to update twice per week. We shall see if that actually sticks. :)