Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Alien

Today was an exciting day! I had a doctor's appointment to hear our baby's heartbeat! Also, my OB went ahead and performed another ultrasound...which was a bonus. The baby has grown so much in just 2 weeks. I have an alien in my belly....its' head is humongous! On the ultrasound, the baby was moving all over the place. It was so cute! And its' heartbeat measured 180. Based on old wives's tales this means we are having a girl, however, I'm not a believer in these tales. We shall see.
Sorry, these came out a little blurry.

I go back to the doctor in 2 weeks for our NT Scan (Nuchal Translucency) on February 13th. This is an optional test that looks for chromosomal abnormalities and Down Syndrome. It's going to be a little nerve wracking, but we decided to do it since there is new technology. This ultrasound is also very detailed, so I'm really excited to see more details of the baby's features. It will take about 10 days to get the full results back, which will most likely cause me anxiety. But, I want to do it.

After my doctor's appointment I decided to run a few errands. One of my errands was quite exciting (for me, anyway). I went to my favorite cupcake shop, Ivey Cakes. These cupcakes are the best!! I discovered them about two years ago randomly, and have loved them ever since. Unfortunately, I don't get to have them very often, but I guess that could be a good thing.

Red Velvet Cupcake - Perfection.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do for the rest of the day. The morning's weather started with awful thunderstorms and now it's a gorgeous, sunny, 65 degree day! I might just have to take Sophie for another walk.

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