Monday, February 13, 2012

Whirlwind Week

Ah! I'm finally able to blog!! I've been so busy the past few days.... it's been hard to keep up. Where shall I start? I guess I'll back track to Friday. We got our house listing officially on the market Friday afternoon thanks to Lance on MLS. I'm still selling the house by owner/agent, but since my license is retired, I had to enlist Lance's services...which have been such a HUGE help, and we owe him big time! He will be our agent whenever we purchase.

Friday night, we went to Japanese Hibachi with Lance, Shellie, Tyler, Katie, Ray and Sandra. It was delicious as always, and I ate way too much. Afterwards, I was absolutely exhausted...went home and attempted to go to bed. It was an unsuccessful attempt considering I didn't fall asleep until 4am, and was up by 6am. However, I was excited to get an early morning phone call for a showing for Saturday afternoon! Woo-Hoo. During showings, I have to get Sophie out of the house, so I thought it would be fun to take her to Petco. She was not delighted by this idea. Petco was packed, and also holding an adoption pet drive. Basically, she spent the entire trip pawing at my legs. Poor girl. She did get a new walking leash and Plaque Blast.

We headed home, and the agent contacted to let me know she was running late. I decided to park down the street and "stalk" the potential buyers. You know, get an idea of the buying demographic and also how long they stayed in the house. Well, they stayed for 45 minutes, which is a great showing! I spoke with the agent and it's on their "top" list, but it doesn't sound like they are in a hurry to buy.

After the showing, I had to shower for the evening's festivities which included Hooter's and a downtown bar to celebrate our friend Zach's birthday. Why Hooter's? I'll be honest. I love Hooter's wings and curly fries with cheese dip. I might get to eat at Hooters once every two years, and I wasn't going to miss this opportunity. As redneck, trashy, and tacky as Hooter;s maybe, it's still delicious. We headed to the party, and surprisingly, I lasted until 11pm. Once again, I came home and crashed....but didn't fall asleep until 4am and woke up at 7am.

Sunday morning, I woke up exhausted with the worst headache, congestion, etc. I felt like death. It was awful. I laid around most of the day, and then had two Realtors call within 5 minutes of each other. We had one showing scheduled for Sunday evening, and another Tuesday morning. We quickly picked up the house, then headed out to visit my parents. We drove around potential neighborhoods where we are hoping to buy, and narrowed it down.

Once again, last night I tried to get some sleep, but I didn't fall asleep until 3am, then Tommy's alarm abruptly woke me up at 6:45am. Ugh. I've only had 2-3 hours of sleep per night for over 2 weeks now. It's awful, but that's insomnia for you. I go through spurts like this quite often. I just need one good night's sleep to get back on track!!!

Now, for more exciting information. Today we had our NT Scan for the baby. Everything measured normally - which is a huge sigh of relief. However, we won't get our official results back for another 7-10 days, but our doctor is not concerned. We got to see the baby hopping around in my belly, waving at us, and turning his/her head. We did ask the ultrasound tech if she could give us a hint at gender, but it's still way too early to tell. (Our gender determination appt. is scheduled on March 13th). The heartbeat measured 165-170 beats per minute, which is also within normal range. And, I'm measuring exactly 12wks, 1 we are right target! So, I'm so happy everything looks great!!! Below is a photo from today...not a great one. They made us a DVD, but it doesn't allow me to save it!!

By this point, I'm about to fall asleep typing, so I am going to try my hardest to take a nap.

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