Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Oh, Happy Day!

So, I've been MIA the past couple of days due to a nasty cold/sinus infection. Today, I'm feeling amazing, in a great mood, etc. Also, all my Christmas shopping is complete and are now wrapped under the tree. Christmas my most favorite time of the year! From drinking highly calorific and fatty eggnog to watching my favorite old school Christmas movies on tv...I love it all :)

Speaking of Christmas, I'm going to Austin, Houston, and Beaumont next week to visit family for the holidays. I haven't been to Texas since 2007, and I'm pumped! Why am I going to so many cities? First stop, Austin, to visit my brother and SIL who just moved from Nashville to Austin last month. I have to admit though, I'm a little scared about my Austin trip....but I'll post about that later since I'm pressed for time at the moment. Second stop, Houston. My Aunt is holding a family Christmas party for my father's side of the family. I haven't seen many of my cousins in 10 I hope everyone can make it. And last, but certainly not least, I'll be going to visiting my awesome grandparent's (mother's side). I'm thrilled to be able to go, but my husband isn't going to make it because of work. Instead, he gets to babysit my parent's dogs, plus our dog, his hands will be full!

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