Monday, July 23, 2012

Fantastic Appointment

<insert sigh of relief here>

Our appointment today was great! I'm actually quite surprised. Madeline is gaining weight steadily...she weight 4lb, 12 oz this time around, and her abdominal is now measuring in the 20th percentile (previously was 8th). All of her other measurements are right on point. Of course, it's the measurements that are important, and I actually take the weight with a grain of salt. She could actually weight as little as 3lbs or as much as 5.5lbs right now. We won't really know until the actual birth. With the weight given today, she's still behind, but we already know she's going to be small.

So, with all of this being said...Madeline doesn't need to be delivered this week. I'm still continuing with all my NSTs on Thursdays and ultrasounds on Mondays., and they still won't let me go beyond 38 weeks. Of course, there is no guarantee that she's not going to come next week. Overall, my OB is very happy with all of the results from today.

1 comment:

  1. Great news! I bet the measurements aren't too far off - sounds like she may avoid the preemie clothes!!! So, so glad that she is doing so well, kind of sad that it sounds like she may be born when we are out of town but I'm sure we'll have plenty of opportunities to meet her soon!
